Monday, November 7, 2016

For HTML Real Beginners - 1 Tip that can help you

I am using "Sublime Text".

<> If you are in the beginning stage of learning HTML and really confused I would like to give you a simple tip that might come handy. It is not any how to or shortcut, just a simple idea which many beginners are unaware. And after this tip, you are likely to experiment HTML in different ways and learn much more.

What you have to do is open "Sublime text", which you can download from internet and align it on one side of windows and open your project in a browser and align it on another side. And then after you work on your project you can save it, then refresh the browser to see the progress. Easy, right?

Below is the simple example/This is how I do - In left side you can see "Sublime Text" & on Right "The HTML code in chrome":
